
Time to Move

By |2021-02-25T12:39:18-05:00February 14, 2018|

Life moves forward. Phases come and go. Situations change. And time continues to move. I look back and see how I always thought that wherever I was, I would be there forever. I would forever be in elementary school. Then, of course, I’d be forever in high school. As a young newlywed, I thought I’d be at that stage forever – and I certainly couldn’t imagine being the [...]

Feeling the Simchah of Purim

By |2021-02-25T12:39:19-05:00February 25, 2015|

My children all unanimously agree that Purim is the best Yom Tov. For months beforehand they talk about what they will dress up as and which friends will receive their mishloach manos. As we get closer and closer to Purim their excitement increases and escalates. So far there never has been a Purim when they were disappointed. The older ones need Purim shtick that will outdo last year’s. [...]


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