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The Lulav, the Esrog, and You-Ha’azinu
Taking the arba minim (four species) on the Yom Tov of Sukkos is of course a most familiar and cherished aspect of this season. What may not be as familiar, however, is the extent of the richness and depth behind this practice. There are a plethora of botanical species in the world and even in Eretz Yisrael alone. What is it about these four kinds specifically from […]
The Currency in Heaven
The currency in Shamayim is EFFORT. If you really toiled, if you invested all your efforts into trying to understand, it makes no difference whether or not you came out understanding. Hashem will reward you!” Every dollar in Olam Haba'ah will be payment for another bit of effort we invested in our avodas Hashem in this world.
Keeping the Connection
Every time we learn Torah or do mitzvos in this world, we are providing for our parents and grandparents in the next world – and retaining our connection and closeness with them.
Repaying a Debt
How precious is the zechus of Kaddish recital. Both Mrs. Sevitzky and Rabbi Landau understood that this was a most appropriate form of hakaras hatov and of great value to a neshamah in the next world.
Our Tour of the World
We agreed to our lives here before we were brought down to this world because our neshamos clearly saw that every aspect of our lives would benefit us spiritually.
To Name or Not to Name – Which is the Greater Merit?
Let us actively seek opportunities for chesed with the mindset that there is no greater treasure or merit than a mitzvah!
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(Eliezer Lipa ben Elimelech)
“Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah (is) a group of Torah scholars who learn Mishnah or Gemara for those who want to arrange a siyum (completion of a Torah portion)… The greatest honor for a departed individual is to study Torah in his honor, and specifically through this organization, which in addition to Torah study, supports Torah scholars.”
“It is a great matter to participate in this important endeavor.”
“I am delighted to endorse the work of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah/The Society for Mishnah Study in general, and especially in memory of a deceased righteous person. Mishnah… articulates the nitzchiyut (eternity) of every Jewish soul, and the recognition that such study is inspired by the passing of a precious soul can only bring merit to that individual and serve as a source of comfort to all who knew him.”
“There are few acts that are more comforting to the mourner than learning Mishnayot for their loved one. With brilliant insight, our sages understood that Mishnah and neshamah are deeply intertwined.”
“Anyone who commissions this Society to study Mishnayos in the merit of a departed relative, beyond the actual Mishnah study which is very good for the soul of the departed, is conferring additional merit upon the soul, since through this they are upholding Torah scholars.”
“There are many families that would like to have mishnayos learned as a zechus for the neshamah but do not have the ability to get fifty to sixty people to take on the responsibility. Your service, for these people especially, is a valued option during a very difficult time.”
“…Thank you so much for providing this incredibly kind and thoughtful service for bereaved families… Your organization is doing a true chesed shel emes (the highest form of kindness) for the departed.”
“This service is handled with professionalism, and I have tremendous confidence in the fact that talmidei chachamim (Torah scholars) and yirei Shamayim (G-d-fearing individuals) are my shlichim (messengers) to Hakadosh Boruch Hu.”
“It was about a week before the shloshim of my grandfather, and we wanted to make a siyum for the merit of his neshamah, but we were still missing some tractates. All I had to do was call Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, and with no hassle, it was taken care of within the week.”
“Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah was extremely comforting and helpful. Knowing that the entire mishnayos was completed on time with your personal help was a tremendous comfort.”
“I had no idea what to do for the shloshim for my Abba, of blessed memory. You were so understanding, patient and kind and arranged for a rabbi to learn mishnayot. Then, the last day of shloshim, I had the zechut to learn together with the wonderful rabbi on the phone!”
“We would like to express our hakaras hatov for completing the mishnayos on the yartzeit of our beloved father, Mr. Arnold Mailman (z”l). The prompt, efficient, and professional service, coupled with expertise and compassion, added greater meaning to the yartzeit day. Much hatzlachah for this wonderful opportunity that unites Klal Yisrael in limud Torah.”
“May Hashem shower you and Rabbi Abrahamson with blessings. I am crying. I am so happy
to have connected with you to provide this extraordinary mitzvah to my first cousin and to his father, of blessed memory.”
“Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah provides an invaluable service for those who have difficulty finding a meaningful yet manageable way to memorialize and bring merit to someone whom they’ve recently lost. The study brings not only merit to the departed, but inspiration to the mourner.”
“Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah has provided a great service to all Jewish families. They should have much success in their endeavors.”
“The Society for Mishnah Study is to be commended for making this great source of merit accessible as a public service.”
“Often… family members aren’t capable of learning mishnayos at a crucial time, for many reasons. How wonderful it is that an organization was founded solely for this purpose! I envy the merits and rewards of the founder of this program.”
“Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah is to be praised for placing this important merit within the reach of every family. The Torah study that they arrange will bring comfort to the family and precious merit to the soul of the deceased.”
“Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah is to be commended for the great chesed (kindness) they are providing for the departed and their families.”