The Shmuz Comes to Relief from Grief
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier is the founder of and the author of many books. He is also the man behind The Shmuz, a forty-five-minute weekly shiur that has been enjoyed around the globe for over ten years.
At times emotional pain can be worse than physical pain. It can be more debilitating than a physical injury. And the kind of pain that follows loss can be all-encompassing. Although it is not physical pain, it can hurt in every part of the body. People in the throes of this pain will say, “I can’t do this. I need help” and turn to their rav or rebbe for chizzuk. Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier is a rabbi who has supported many through painful experiences, and he shares important perspectives on experiencing and handling tough times.
Rabbi Shafier is knowledgeable in many topics of Torah and hashkafah. As a well-known lecturer and author, he offers valuable insights on so many issues that a frum person today might face. His perspective on pain has an interesting twist. “Don’t think it doesn’t hurt or that you shouldn’t feel it,” he says, “but remember…”
Remember what? Tune in to the podcast to hear more.