Meaningful, dedicated, productive, valuable – these are all words that describe Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah and its work.
After close to a decade with the organization, its founder and president Rabbi H. has penned a fascinating and reader-friendly literary work.
With Mishnah Memoirs: Stories from the Files of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, Rabbi H., in his signature candid style, brings readers into the creation and inner workings of this unique organization, sharing some of the incredible twists and turns that come through Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s office.
Along the way, the author introduces readers to a varied and colorful cast of characters, including Gustavo P., a Brazilian non-Jew who gains chizuk from the Mishnah Times of Challenge Study Program and makes a major life’s decision with the help of Rabbi H.; Robin Meyerson, who helps save her uncle from cremation and sees tremendous blessing thereafter; Mrs. F., who finds a way to touch the life of Jonathan Pollard; the special Torah scholars who facilitate the learning done through Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah and realize great personal growth in the process – and this is just a taste of what awaits the reader in this treasure trove of compelling stories.
A Small Beginning
“Looking back at the beginning of the many options and services that now come under the umbrella of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, I am amazed at how some of them came to be, ‘once upon a time’”, shared Rabbi H.
“It’s easy to look back at the smorgasbord of programs, some of which are related, and to think that they were all implemented at once, the brainchild of a single person. As those who are part of this team can attest, that is far from the reality!
Suggestions, requests, tweaking of existing programs – all play a part in the formation of this ‘society’s’ offerings.”
Indeed, one such program, the Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah Sponsorship Program, actually came about due to the generosity and thoughtfulness of a single individual.
A Program Created Through a Layman
“Rabbi L. was one of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s earliest patrons; on the occasion of his father’s yahrtzeit, he called to sponsor a course in Gemara study in his father’s memory. When Rabbi H. processed his donation sometime later, however, he was puzzled to find an additional sum of money included. So he called Rabbi L. and asked him to explain.
“I’d like to make an extra donation,” Rabbi L. explained, “in the merit of any Jewish soul who has nobody else to do this kindness for him. Use it to help a fellow Jew in need.”
Less than a week later, Rabbi H. received a phone call from a student in a local Kollel, who told him of the upcoming yahrtzeit of his cousin, who passed away the previous year in his early twenties, under very tragic circumstances. Due to severe life challenges, this troubled Jew had taken his own life, and because of the circumstances involved, many of the conventional activities usually performed in memory of a loved one were not performed.
As the first yahrtzeit approached, his relative badly wanted to do something meaningful in the merit of the niftar, but was only capable of sponsoring a small portion of Torah study. He felt strongly, however, that he wanted to do more for the neshamah of this unfortunate young man. He was calling to ask if there was any way Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah could help.
The Perfect Recipient
When Rabbi H. heard the story and the family’s wishes, he knew Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah had found the perfect recipient for Rabbi L.’s donation. The money was earmarked for Mishnah study in the merit of the young man.
The next step was to contact Rabbi L. and inform him of the turn of events. “We found the perfect recipient for the donation,” Rabbi H. told him happily. “The money was used as a zechus for a young man who passed away under trying circumstances. His first yahrtzeit took place a few days after you sent your donation.”
Rabbi L. was quiet for a moment. Then he replied slowly, “Yes, it was really a perfect recipient. You don’t know how perfect. You see, that young man was my next-door neighbor.”
One Jew caring for another; two neshamahs inexplicably intertwined. And that is how the Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah Sponsorship Program was born.
A Story of Chesed
There are the typical phone calls – and the ones that are less so. “A Little Detective Work” is a story that falls into the latter category:
“A woman called the office of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah to say that she was looking for a chavrusa to learn Mishnayos with her twelve-year-old son Meir (names have been changed), in preparation for his upcoming bar mitzvah. Apparently, she had attempted to find a chavrusa close to home and was unsuccessful. I guess it makes sense that she called us – after all, we are Chevrah Lomdei MISHNAH!
Beyond the Chavrusa
“In any case, I was able to set the boy up with a phone chavrusa, which lasted several months. The two actually met a few times, as the chavrusa’s wife’s parents lived within walking distance of Meir’s home, and he made a point of stopping in whenever he was visiting his in-laws for Shabbos.
“Shortly after Meir’s bar mitzvah, it, unfortunately, became clear that he was suffering from a serious illness. He was advised to travel to Texas for testing so that he could get on a waiting list there for treatment. Meir and his mother immediately flew down to Texas. She also placed a call to Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, asking that we learn as a zechus for her son to merit a refuah shelaimah,
“Literally within several weeks of their initial trip to Texas, the family received the news: the hospital believed they would be able to treat Meir’s disease. Mother and son flew back to Texas, where the young boy underwent surgery and then began a slow recovery.
A Show of Concern
“When Meir’s mother called to update me, I felt very strongly that I wanted to send a personal token to show my concern for the young patient and convey my heartfelt wishes for his recovery. Easier said than done! I did not want to be nosy and ask for more details than she had given me, so I didn’t exactly know where the boy was.
“The only information I had to go on was that he was recovering in a Ronald McDonald house in a certain area of Texas. I did some research and was able to find out the telephone numbers of Ronald McDonald houses in that vicinity, but because of HIPAA privacy laws, it was not going to be simple to find out which place he was actually staying in, as nobody was actually handing out information.
“I was not going to give up just yet. With perseverence, and by posing the right questions and investing a considerable amount of time, I struck gold: not only did I determine where ‘my patient’ was, I even obtained his room number.
“That was all the information I needed. I ordered a bouquet of balloons and a teddy bear to be delivered to the recovering patient, together with the warmest wishes for his refuah shelaimah. Mission accomplished!
Making a Huge Impact
“I never could have envisioned the impact I had made.
Within a few days, Meir’s mother called. She was simply overcome – and couldn’t stop thanking me for the time and effort we had invested to track them down and show we cared.
Later, Meir himself called as well. He was still weak, and it was difficult for him to talk, but he clearly wanted to offer his thanks in person. His mother later told me that when he was discharged, they actually deflated and saved the balloons.
“It is now several years later, and Meir is doing well, b”H. How do I know this? Without fail, his mother continues to sponsor learning as a zechus for his health – every forty days. We are honored to have a hand in his continued good health.
Included in Simchahs
“As a postscript to this story, after having been a part of Meir’s life for several years, I felt I wanted to include his family when we were celebrating our son’s bar mitzvah, so I sent them an invitation. Following the bar mitzvah, my son was looking through some of the gifts he had received when he showed me a book from someone whose name he didn’t recognize. When I glanced at the card attached to the gift, I saw that it was from Meir’s family. Though they had been unable to attend, they made it their business to have someone drop off this gift. We were very touched.
“(That was not the only bar mitzvah gift my son received from a Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah patron. When Mr. F. learned that we were soon to celebrate a bar mitzvah, he called our office to sponsor learning – as a zechus for my bar mitzvah boy!)”
This is the Place to Get Inspiration
Eloquent and entertaining, written with great sensitivity and wit, Mishnah Memoirs is a treasure trove of soul-stirring stories that will inspire and leave an indelible impression on every member of your family.
Reviewed By Rochelle Maruch Miller.
Rochelle Maruch Miller is a contributing editor for the Five Towns Jewish Times. She is a journalist, creative media consultant, lecturer, educator, and writes for magazines, newspapers, websites, and private clients.
She welcomes your comments at [email protected].
Read more of Rochelle Maruch Miller’s articles at 5TJT.com.