Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

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So far Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah has created 246 blog entries.

A “Simple” Approach to Mitzvos-Parshas Behar

By |2021-06-23T14:23:40-04:00May 15, 2022|

R’ Yosef Ya’avetz was one of the seminal figures who lived through the Expulsion from Spain in 1492. Known as the “Chassid (the Pious) Ya’avetz” in testament to his stature, he made a poignant observation of the events of his time. As is known, the Expulsion was a most unfortunate period in the annals of Spanish Jewry, whose history was transformed from golden to tragic. Once the [...]

The Festival of Sukkos – a History-Parshas Emor

By |2021-06-23T14:20:31-04:00May 8, 2022|

(The following is based largely on a dissertation contained in K’motzei Shalal Rav, parshas Emor, pp. 313-316). One of the main features of this week’s parshah is the extensive section involving the various mo’adim (festivals). The Torah employs a fairly basic pattern in treating this subject: it lists a given festival, mentions its unique service or practice and proceeds to the next. Thus when discussing Pesach, for example, the Torah includes the [...]


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