Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

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So far Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah has created 246 blog entries.

Matzeivah: Back to the Source-Parshas Vayechi

By |2021-06-25T11:59:26-04:00January 1, 2023|

One of the first things one pictures upon hearing the term “beis hakevaros” (graveyard) is, of course, the many tombstones arrayed in this solemn and hallowed place. The institution known as “matzeivah” (tombstone) is obviously a time-honored and universally adopted practice. It may be worthwhile, however, to take a moment to reflect upon the nature of this convention. What is the idea behind this custom? Is it [...]

A Scenario to Avoid-Parshas Vayigash

By |2021-06-24T22:06:11-04:00December 25, 2022|

The key to living a life of near-perfection is revealed to us in the Mishnah (Avos 3:1): “Said Akavya b. Mahalalel: Contemplate the following three things, and you will never stumble into sin: Know from where you came, to where you are going, and before Whom you will eventually have to give an account and reckoning (at the end of one’s life)... Before the King of Kings, the [...]

The Right Foot-Parshas Mikeitz

By |2021-06-24T22:03:23-04:00December 18, 2022|

“Grant me wisdom from my enemies” (Tehillim 119:98). At times, we can extrapolate the best way for successfully serving Hashem by taking a lesson from the designs of our worst enemies. The Yevanim (Greeks) of the Chanukah saga are no exception. As opposed to Amalekite Haman – who sought the physical annihilation of the Jewish people – the Yevanim were intent on our spiritual demise. As long as [...]

The Biggest “Bang” for Your Buck-Parshas Vayeishev

By |2021-06-24T22:01:12-04:00December 11, 2022|

Peace Now? Ya’akov Avinu’s career of hardships spanned many years. He was forced to leave his parents’ home, fleeing for his life from his wicked and vengeful brother; he spent many years of backbreaking labor, working for his unscrupulous and conniving uncle, Lavan; his wife died in childbirth; and, at the end of last week’s parshah, he completed a tumultuous sojourn in Shechem, where the misconduct of the [...]

The Reality and the Hope-Parshas Vayishlach

By |2021-06-24T21:58:24-04:00December 4, 2022|

Many times in the past – and, unfortunately of late as well – the institution of shechitah has come under intense and intrusive scrutiny. Devout Jews are suddenly made to feel that they need to defend their activities to the court of public opinion as being sufficiently humane and ethical. Historically, such inspection campaigns have been spearheaded by a wide assortment of groups; among them have been the Polish [...]

How Did He Get Invited?-Parshas Vayeitzei

By |2021-06-24T21:55:56-04:00November 27, 2022|

On the night of Pesach, as we sit assembled around the Seder table in front of open Haggados, we recount and relive the events of yetzias Mitzrayim (the Exodus from Egypt). After performing some preliminary rituals and reciting parts of the text, we arrive at the main body of the Haggadah: the concentrated account of the Pesach story as recorded in Devarim (25:5-8). This central point of the Seder begins with a [...]


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