
About Miriam Ribiat

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So far Miriam Ribiat has created 139 blog entries.

The Broken Washing Machine

By |2022-08-08T15:10:32-04:00September 23, 2019|

As the well-known mishnah says in Pirkei Avos (4:1), איזהו עשיר השמח בחלקו – Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot. There is no limit to what we don’t have. But what do we gain by going there? Misery? Jealousy? Hopelessness?   We won’t ever be able to find contentment if we are always noticing the things that others have, that we really want [...]

Squishing into Yourself

By |2022-02-17T13:28:03-05:00August 1, 2019|

Squishing into Yourself Have you ever tried to squish yourself into being something that you’re not? I did. I mean, actually I do. Maybe I am more aware of it than I used to be. But boy do I want to be as accomplished as this person, as geshhikt as that person, and as friendly as the next person. There is nothing like pre-Pesach to induce all my [...]

One-Way Street

By |2021-10-28T13:39:15-04:00July 10, 2019|

Life Is A One-Way Street My street became a one-way street, which is actually a good thing. We needed it to be this way. But it can still be annoying when I have to go all the way around to get where I need to go. One day as I put the car into drive, I inwardly groaned as I thought about driving all the way around the [...]


By |2021-02-25T12:39:17-05:00June 19, 2019|

פרק ב משנה יז The buzz word of today is self-care. You must take care of yourself. It will enhance your productivity. It will help you become a more emotionally stable person. We see ads all over the place touting this message: You deserve designer clothing. You deserve a five-star vacation. You deserve to indulge in today’s newest food craze. You… Hmmm…maybe I do. After all I have [...]

Know Your Worth: Shoshanah’s Story

By |2021-02-25T12:39:17-05:00February 7, 2019|

Perek gimmel, mishnah yud-ches says חביב אדם שנברא בצלם. The fact that man was created in the image of Hashem shows that he is beloved to Hashem.The mishnah is telling us the proper way to view ourselves. We should not feel arrogant or proud of who we are or of our talents and accomplishments. At the same time, we should not see ourselves as small and unimportant. Our [...]

Hidden Yellow Circles

By |2021-02-25T12:39:17-05:00January 30, 2019|

My daughter loves to use her yellow highlighter to write on the wall. I say, “Esther Malki, we don’t write on walls.” She shrugs and asks, “Why? You can’t even see it!” She’s right. You really can’t see any marks. That’s because the ink from this marker only appears when you shine the flashlight located on the bottom of the highlighter at the writing. Last week Esther Malki [...]


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