A Mother’s Tefillah
To My Twins, I walked into your room this morning and saw your bar mitzvah corner – your tefillin bags, your new shirts and cufflinks. Everything all piled up waiting for the big day. I found myself smiling as I opened up the curtains to let in the sunshine that [...]
My Story by Mrs. Miriam Ribiat
Chazak Hotline Hello, my name is Miriam Ribiat and I just would like to thank Chazak for giving me this opportunity to speak on their hotline. I guess I would say that my story really is a lot about loss, a lot about loss and grieving and I’m not going [...]
Finding My Wings
I hate bugs. I don’t know what it is about bugs, but they can send me into a frenzy. Maybe an ant I can handle; anything bigger or anything that flies? Forget it! As soon as I see them you’ll catch me scurrying away. But there is a well-known number [...]
When the Journey Can Be the Reward
I have traveled many roads. Some were straight and easy, while others were dark and winding. Some of the roads led deep underwater into long eerie tunnels, while others were narrow and mountainous, so that I feared that one wrong step would lead me over a cliff. If I would [...]
My Father
לעילוי נשמת אליהו בן שמואל יעקב כ"ט ניסן תשס"ט Remembering My Father My father was a real family man. He loved when yom tov came around and his married children overran his home. The madness of everyone squished together gave him only pleasure. He especially loved giving each and every [...]
Roundtable Night
A while back, my daughter’s school had a roundtable discussion with the mothers. There was a panel of teachers, and each teacher had a turn to answer a submitted question. The answers sparked a lot of back and forth between the mothers and the teachers. I looked around, and I [...]