If I Were Dr. Seuss
If I was Dr. Seuss, my latest book might sound like this: I miss my parents every day, I always miss them in every way. I miss them when I’m here, and I miss them when I’m there. I miss them when I’m feeling sad, I miss them when I’m [...]
Finding Hope
Recently I was talking to a few friends, and the conversation turned to the word hope and its definition. I realized that for me the definition of hope is recognizing that regardless of what comes my way, I can be okay. I might have to work through the emotions of [...]
What Does Hashem Want from Me Now? Learning to Let Go
I had called Esti on her office line on that Tuesday afternoon. Oftentimes when she was at work she didn’t answer the phone. It meant that she was probably in a meeting. During the workday she never answered her cell phone. So it didn’t make much sense that I even [...]
Book Review: To Comfort And Be Comforted — A Guide To The Mitzvah Of Nichum Aveilim
Five Towns Jewish Times By Rochelle Maruch Miller Several years ago, Rabbi Moshe Haikins, Founder and President of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah attended a Federation-sponsored conference in New York about issues related to bikur cholim, since unfortunately, bikur cholim can lead to nichum aveilim. At one of these events Rabbi Haikins [...]
New Release! To Comfort and Be Comforted: A Guide to Nichum Aveilim
Yated Powerful Times Ten! Real comments overheard by those visiting shivah homes: “You still have other children.” “Don’t worry, you’re young. You’ll get remarried.” “At least he had a long life!” Have you ever walked into a shivah house (house of mourning) and been dismayed by what you are seeing or hearing? Perhaps other [...]
Ordinary People
I grew up in the shadow of ordinary, thinking that my family name was that of plain, ordinary people. My parents were average people living ordinary lives. Or so I thought. Because of the small size of the small town that I grew up in, my family was well known. [...]