Enjoy the Moment
A while ago I came to the realization that life goes by so quickly. It seems like yesterday that I got married. And it seems as if it was only the day before that I graduated high school. When I made my first bar mitzvah I said, “If this is [...]
When the Wind Blows
We all go through challenging times. It is usually during these times that we start seeking out Hashem in a more intense way. Here are some thoughts I had a while back when there was a lot going on in my life. I was walking outside with my daughter who [...]
Opening my Heart to Empathy
I am independent. I am self-sufficient, self-supporting and self-reliant. I am always okay and do not need help. I can always manage on my own. No matter what the circumstance are, I will push through and manage the situation. I am good managing by myself. Yes, I have been through [...]
Feeling the Simchah of Purim
My children all unanimously agree that Purim is the best Yom Tov. For months beforehand they talk about what they will dress up as and which friends will receive their mishloach manos. As we get closer and closer to Purim their excitement increases and escalates. So far there never has [...]
Finding the Gratitude
I recently read in a weekly publication about a retreat encampment named Mount Misery. In that area there is a Mount Misery Brook and a Mount Misery Road. The author of the article wrote how this road goes on and on and is rumored to never stop. When I read [...]
Mommy’s Little Girl
My four-year-old daughter loves to play house. Typical of a four-year-old girl, she usually wants to be the mommy. Often when she isn’t even playing she considers herself a mother to her dolls and stuffed animals. She leaves me with instructions for how to care for them while she is [...]