
Welcome to the Relief from Grief podcast, where we talk with a broad spectrum of people about their life stories. My hope is that either you’ll hear a story that is similar to your own or aspects of it that you can connect to. Even if an experience is very different from yours, perhaps you can find something within it, an element or an idea or a perspective, that really speaks to you or gives you insight into yourself.
Some of the goals I hope to realize with this podcast include normalizing grief, bringing awareness to the general population and helping people recognize that certain thoughts and behaviors stem from grief.
Relief from Grief Podcast
Can You Please Tell Me What to Say? with Mrs. Chumi Friedman
לעילוי נשמת ליפשא בן יהושע
Chumi Friedman Director of HUG, a division of A Time for those who have experienced perinatal or infant loss · My sister-in-law had a stillborn. The one-year [...]
Can You Please Tell Me What to Say? with Mrs. Chumi Friedman
לעילוי נשמת ליפשא בן יהושע
Chumi Friedman Director of HUG, a division of A Time for those who have experienced perinatal or infant loss · My sister-in-law had a stillborn. The one-year [...]
No Such Thing as a Perfect Relationship with Mrs. Esther Gendelman
לעילוי נשמת יחזקאל שרגא בן אלישע
Mrs. Esther Gendelman, MS, LPC, ACS Mrs. Esther Gendelman’s passion is to help people foster meaningful relationships. There is no such thing as a perfect person, which means there’s also [...]
Killed for being Jewish with Mr. Hillel Fuld
לעילוי נשמת יהושע בן זאב
Hillel Fuld was preparing for Yom Kippur. Although he had heard the news about a terror attack in the neighborhood where his brother lived, he didn’t know that his [...]
Sitting Shivah for the Brother I Didn’t Want to Sit For with Rabbi Naftoli Kassorla
לעילוי נשמת אליהו נתן בן הרב חיים יוסף
Rabbi Naftoli Kassorla, Speaker, Teacher and Rebbi in Yerushalayim Imagine getting an unexpected call informing you that your brother died. Presumably, you would always remember it as one of [...]
Lessons from the Paper Menshies with Mrs. Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW
לעילוי נשמת שמעון הלל בן חיים יצחק אייזיק
Mrs. Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW Mrs. Mindy Blumenfeld is positive and upbeat. She is smiley, and she makes you smile. You would never know that she lost her youngest son [...]
From a Middle-Row Seat with Mr. Aaron Broyde
לעילוי נשמת יחזקאל שרגא בן אלישע
Mr. Broyde, who happens to be my first cousin, discusses his struggles and pain after losing an uncle, aunt and cousin who were an integral part of his family. [...]
Twice in one year with Mrs. Barbara Bensoussan
לעילוי נשמת ראובן בן חיים
Mrs. Barbara Bensoussan Novelist and well-known contributor to frum publications The young mother checked in to the hospital to have a baby. Nothing out of the ordinary. But this [...]
My Brother Toli with Mrs. Soroh Leah (Rickman) Cohen
לעילוי נשמת יהושע בן זאב
My Brother Toli Mrs. Soroh Leah (Rickman) Cohen The Getting Used to Having a Pebble in Your Shoe podcast with Rabbi Benjy Rickman has gotten many hundreds of views. [...]
The Exercising Rebbetzin with Rabbi Yitzchok Rubin
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן אברהם יצחק
Rabbi Yitzchok Rubin Rav of Adas Aish Kodesh in Manchester England She was Rebbetzin Rubin, but she was known as Chaiky. She had a way with people. Everyone who [...]
What the Torah Has to Say with Rabbi Henoch Plotnik
לעילוי נשמת מרדכי פינחס בן יהושע
Rabbi Henoch Plotnik Rosh Mesivta of Kesser Yonah, well-known speaker, actively involved with LINKS The Torah recognizes the pain of loss, and the Torah gives us guidelines for navigating [...]
Everlasting Love in Seven Weeks with Mrs. Devorah Schendler
לעילוי נשמת יוכבד בת אלימלך
Mrs. Devorah Schendler, author of Compatible with Life Giving birth to a stillborn baby was so painful. Yet looking back, Mrs. Devorah Schendler saw how that experience strengthened her [...]
Standing Shivah with Mrs. Rachel Stein
לעילוי נשמת ציפא רבקה בת ברוך
Mrs. Rachel Stein Prolific author, most recently of the book Uplift She was a young mother with a houseful of children, and at this difficult time in her life, [...]
Where are You, Dovi? With Mrs. Feige Steinmetz Mother of Dovi Steinmetz, who perished in the Meron tragedy
לעילוי נשמת רב אביגדור בן ר’ ישראל הכהן
Mrs. Feige Steinmetz Mother of Dovi Steinmetz, who perished in the Meron tragedy Lag Ba’Omer taf shin peh aleph (2021) is seared into our collective Jewish memory. It was [...]
I am Just a Little Boy with Rabbi Chaim Ellis, LCSW
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן אברהם יצחק
Rabbi Chaim Ellis, LCSW He was only four years old when his mother died. His memories of her are vague, and most of them are built from the pictures [...]
The Burning Heart with Mrs. Zissy Muller
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן אברהם יצחק
Mrs. Zissy Muller She woke up one night and heard heavy rain outside her window. In a state of panic, she called her father and asked, “Where are the shovels? [...]
Don’t Explain Because There is No Explanation with Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW
לעילוי נשמת ר’ שמואל יעקב בן מתתיהו
Don’t Explain Because There is No Explanation Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW Director of Chai Lifeline NJ/ PA When a young child (in the NJ/PA) region has just been diagnosed, is [...]
Lessons from the Past with Mrs. Chaya Ginzberg
לעילוי נשמת שמואל יעקב בן אליהו
Lessons from the Past Mrs. Chaya Ginzberg BYA Teacher Rivky, Mrs. Ginzberg’s daughter, was a young mother of four children when she was niftar. On this podcast, Mrs. Ginzberg [...]
Be Here for Me and I Will Be There for You with Mrs. Deenie Yurkansky
לעילוי נשמת שאול בן ר’ עזריאל
Mrs. Deenie Yurkansky If you listen to Mrs. Yurkansky, you may be blown away. I know I was. Her son Shaul was a most beloved son and friend. He [...]
Do I Believe? with Rabbi Shmuel Kohn
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן יהודה
Rabbi Shmuel Kohn, Therapist and Founder of Shloimy’s Club When people go through a tough nisayon, it isn’t uncommon to feel angry at Hashem. A person might shut down or [...]
I Want to Be Cremated With Mrs. Robin Meyerson
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן יהודה
Mrs. Robin Meyerson, West Coast Director of NASCK (National Association of Chevrah Kadisha) Mrs. Robin Meyerson has a passion, and she passionately shares it. That passion is to help prevent [...]
Tangled Emotions with Mrs. Leah Subar
לעילוי נשמת ברוך בן משה
Mrs. Leah Subar, AEDP Psychotherapist People are typically wired with a tendency toward hope and resilience. Even when a child grows up in an abusive home, the desire to repair [...]
When There are No Zaidies with Mrs. Erika Needleman
לעילוי נשמת פיגא ריזא בת ברוך שלום
Mrs. Erika Needleman - Life Coach She knew she would be young when her father died. She knew because she saw how much younger all of her friend’s parents were [...]
Forever Connected with Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
לעילוי נשמת פייגא בתיה בת פרץ
Rabbi Seltzer is a well-known speaker and author of 45 books, including the Zera Shimshon series and his latest bestseller, 90 Seconds. When Dovid Hamelech lost his son Avshalom, [...]
Doula and Midwife-in-Training With Mrs. Aidy Hoffman
Doula and Midwife-in-Training Many midwives will say they love their job. They help bring pure joy and precious innocence into the world. Mrs. Hoffman loves her job as a doula [...]
A Year in Review: Powerful Takeaways from Our Incredible Podcast Guests
Ask anyone who knows me from my growing-up days. Back then, they would have laughed at the prospect of me hosting a podcast. It just wasn’t my type. But here [...]
The Day Our Oldest Brother Died with the Kranczer Siblings
Rabbi Yehuda Kranczer was the most giving, selfless person, a ba’al chesed who would do anything for anybody. Tragically, one morning he was found bent over a sefer in shul [...]
Challenges of Remarriage with Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein
Rabbi Y.Y. Rubenstein is a Scottish-American rabbi who inspires and encourages the countless people who reach out to him for guidance. He is also the author of many books and [...]
The Shmuz Comes to Relief from Grief with Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
The Shmuz Comes to Relief from Grief Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier is the founder of theshmuz.com and the author of many books. He is also the [...]
Functioning! On the Outside Only with Mrs. Shani (Stefansky) Waldman
Mrs. Shani (Stefansky) Waldman, Founder of Samcheinu “I felt like I lived on a different planet,” Mrs. Waldman says. “I may have been managing. Perhaps I went to the bus [...]
Dealing with Loss from Covid with Mrs. Libby Kraft
Mrs. Libby (Samet) Kraft was in high school when her family moved to Passaic, where her father opened a pediatric office. It wasn’t long before Dr. Samet became a well-known [...]
Getting Used to Having a Pebble in Your Shoe with Rabbi Benjy Rickman
Just because the Rickmans’ 16-year-old son was sick, there was no cause for worry. Surely Naftoli would be back to himself by tomorrow or the next day at most. [...]
Mayrim for Miriam with Mr. Glen Holman
Mr. Glen Holman, founder of Mayrim Family Retreat One of the worst possible things a parent can hear is the words: “Your child is very sick,” or “We are trying [...]
From Pain to Purpose with Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld
Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld, Director of Kanfei Yonah and author of Comfort, Courage and Clarity Without warning, Mrs. Ruchi Rosenfeld was thrust into the world of terminal illness and death. In [...]
A Poet’s Story with Mrs. Judy Landman
Mrs. Judy Landman, Director of Blinks Mrs. Judy Landman is a talented poet. When I read her writing, I feel almost as if the words simply flow effortlessly from her [...]
Her Father’s Daughter with Mrs. Nechama Avigayil Brailofsky
Mrs. Nechama Avigayil Brailofsky, Founder of Hallel and “Balance through Healing” Mrs.Nechama Avigayil Brailofsky grew up as Avigayil Gobioff – although her last name was actually Shafronsky. Avigayil never had [...]
Finding our Personal Paths to Healing with the Shoenig Siblings
We were five siblings. We are now three. Our sister and brother died. So did our parents. We traveled the journey of loss together. But we have each taken different [...]
My Little Yossi: Missing My Preemie with Mrs. Estie Rotstein
Mrs. Esti Rotsein When Esti began feeling abdominal pains early in her third trimester, her sisters urged her to check out what sounded like labor pains. Esti laughed at [...]
A Time to Listen, a Time to Give with Rebbetzin Feigy Twerski
לעלוי נשמת אסתר פעריל בת שלמה
Rebbetzin Feigy Twerski Noted speaker and lecturer, beloved Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Feigy Twerski is a devoted Rebbetzin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is also a well-known writer and speaker. I very [...]
Rising Past the Pain with Rabbi Aron Litwin
לעילוי נשמת פעסל בת משה אברהם
Rabbi Aron Litwin Psychotherapist and Founder of Mekimi in England Seventeen-year-old Aron Litwin was sitting and learning in a shul in Manchester one morning. He remembers thinking it was odd [...]
Is Pain the Elephant in the Room with Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg
לעלוי נשמת אליהו בן שמואל יעקב
Lecturer for Partners in Torah of Detroit, Yeshivah Bais Yehudah and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation She is lots of fun and full of life. Conversations with her are characterized [...]
Rolling with the Punches with the Rolling Rabbi with Mrs. Shaindel Simes
לעלוי נשמת ברכה אסתר מלכה בת אליהו
Mrs. Shaindel Simes Teacher and author of The Rolling Rabbi When life throws us punches, we can make a conscious decision: will we bow to them or roll with them? [...]
When a High-School Friend Loses a Parent with Mrs. Miriam Ribiat
Zoom talk for teens given through Project Light by Mrs. Miriam Ribiat It might be your high-school friend, or it might be your daughter’s high-school friend that lost a parent. [...]
When Loss Strikes, We Have Questions with Mrs. Lori Palatnik
Mrs. Lori Palatnik Momentum Founding Director Whatever your level of religious observance, when you experience a loss, you might have many questions: Where is the neshamah now? How do I [...]
Uplifting with Mrs. Chani Schriebhand
Mrs. Chani Schreibhand Founder and Editor, Uplift magazine Chani is one of two children of Harav Y. Reuven and Rebbetzin Chaiky Rubin. As an only daughter, she enjoyed an [...]
Understanding Trauma in Loss with Dr. Norman Blumenthal
Understanding Trauma in Loss Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Director, Trauma Services, Zachter Family National Trauma Center and Ohel Children's Home and Family Services Dr. Norman Blumenthal is well known in [...]
Links of Laughter with Sarah Rivkah Kohn
Sarah Rivkah Kohn Founder and Director, Links When you think of grief and loss, do you think of jokes and laughter? Probably not. It’s not typically a topic that will [...]
Loss Compounded: Loss in Divorce With Tali Arieff
Tali Arieff LCSW, RPT Clinical Editor for I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me One day I timidly picked up the phone and called Mrs. Tali Arieff. In a shy [...]
Moving Forward While Looking Backward with Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn לעילוי נשמת יאכט בת משה
Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn Author, Speaker and Mohel Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn is a well-known and beloved mohel, author and speaker – and I don’t think he really needs any [...]
A Daughters Devotion with Mrs. Chaya Leah Rothstein
Mrs. Chaya Leah Rothstein Author of Welcome to Our Jewish Home Mrs. Chaya Leah Rothstein is a beloved first-grade morah and the busy mother of a large family, k”ah. Previous [...]
Insights from Working in Palliative Care with Sarah Korenblit, LCSW
Sarah Korenblit spent years working in palliative care. Through Sarah’s initial work as a social worker for people dependent on dialysis, she gained an understanding of the challenges faced by [...]
Becoming an Orphan with Rabbi Avrahom Pressburger
He was just a bachur in yeshivah going about his regular day. Then he received a call from his rebbi and regular ceased to exist. The rebbi told him his [...]
A Rabbi’s Experiences with Loss with Rabbi Moshe Taub
Rabbi of Young Israel of Holliswood, Menahel of Telshe of Riverdale, and Ami columnist and editor He knows the pain of loss because he experienced it. As a rabbi, he [...]
Turned into a Widow by Terrorists with Risa Rotman
Turned into a Widow by Terrorists Mrs. Risa Rotman Author of Terror and Emunah in Har Nof It was a calm morning, and Mrs. Risa Rotman was looking forward to [...]
Grief When You’re Not an Aveil with Mr. Meir (Donni) Silverstein
Grief When You’re Not an Aveil Mr. Meir (Donni) Silverstein, LCSW Donni Silverstein experienced multiple losses in his life. But none of the losses were any that required him to [...]
Life after Loss: Learning to Live Without My Son with Mrs. Sherri Mandell
Mrs. Sherri Mandell Israeli-American author, mother and activist; founder of The Koby Mandell Foundation Koby Mandell was a good boy. One day he acted a bit out of character and [...]
I Loved my Stepfather; I Still Wanted to Know my Father with Toby Klein
Mrs. Toby Klein Certified Life Coach Director-Little Links of Pearls As a young girl, Toby knew she was different, but she couldn’t explain how. It was just a feeling she [...]
Relief from Grief Trailer
Welcome to the Relief from Grief podcast, where we talk with a broad spectrum of people about their life stories. My hope is that either you'll hear a story that [...]