Repaying a Debt
How precious is the zechus of Kaddish recital. Both Mrs. Sevitzky and Rabbi Landau understood that this was a most appropriate form of hakaras hatov and of great value to a neshamah in the next world.
How precious is the zechus of Kaddish recital. Both Mrs. Sevitzky and Rabbi Landau understood that this was a most appropriate form of hakaras hatov and of great value to a neshamah in the next world.
We agreed to our lives here before we were brought down to this world because our neshamos clearly saw that every aspect of our lives would benefit us spiritually.
Invest thought and intention into your mitzvos so that you make the all-important connection to your Creator; then kedushah and berachah will flow into your life!
Let us actively seek opportunities for chesed with the mindset that there is no greater treasure or merit than a mitzvah!
When we do a mitzvah l’iluy nishmas, we are performing a unique kind of chessed. We are helping those who literally can no longer help themselves, now that they have moved on to the Next World!
Reb Moshe Bulvin was a “simple” ba’al habayis living in pre-war Grodno, though in truth, he was not so simple at all.