Mishnas Chayim Parshah Posts

Fascinating weekly parshah posts

What Goes Up Must Come Do-Parshas Shelach

By |2021-06-23T17:20:47-04:00June 19, 2022|

A climactic moment in this week’s parshah comes on the heels of the report issued by the meraglim (spies). The majority of these messengers, unfortunately, slandered the Land with claims that it would be too difficult to conquer. Yeshoshua and Calev remained loyal, attempting to quell the rising storm. But the meraglim’s tale had riled the people so, to the point that they agitated for violence. As the passuk states: וַיֹּאמְרוּ כָּל־הָעֵדָה לִרְגּוֹם אֹתָם בָּאֲבָנִים [...]

Siblings After Sinai-Parshas Beha’aloscha

By |2021-06-23T17:18:19-04:00June 12, 2022|

(The following is based on an exposition in the sefer K’motzei Shalal Rav, parshas Beha’alosecha, p.169-170.) Tzara’as, as we know, is the skin-condition with which a person is afflicted on account of speaking lashon hara (forbidden gossip). The parshiyos of Tazria and Metzora (in Sefer Vayikra) deal with the numerous laws and details associated with this institution – the procedure for its identification, the state of ritual defilement it engenders, etc. But [...]

The Right Regard-Parshas Nasso

By |2021-06-23T17:16:21-04:00June 5, 2022|

One of the many devices Chazal employ to interpret the Torah is the incidence of “Semichus Ha’parshiyos – Juxtaposition of Sections.” The arrangement of the various sections in the Torah is, of course, not haphazard; thus, Chazal derive laws and lessons of great significance by divining why one particular topic is situated next to another. Gifts and Jealousy There are a few prominent examples in this week’s parshah. One of [...]

More Than Just Skin Deep-Parshas Bamidbar

By |2021-06-23T17:13:53-04:00May 29, 2022|

We are surrounded by a society that attaches much importance to externals. The person elected president of the United States is usually a cutting figure, fit and trim-looking, with a full head of hair, perfect teeth, and other such cosmetic qualities. It is hard to imagine someone with an outbreak of acne, for example, ever being able to secure such a position. This is because, as stated, [...]

David and Goliath and the Army of Yisrael-Parshas Bechukosai

By |2021-06-23T14:26:22-04:00May 22, 2022|

When it comes to military battles, conventional wisdom gives the advantage to the side that possesses greater strength and numbers. When Hashem becomes involved, of course, it is another matter entirely; then, these and many other conventional and even physical laws may no longer apply, as we shall see. Unconventional Warfare This very point is made to B’nei Yisrael’s army as it prepares to enter the battlefield. [...]

A “Simple” Approach to Mitzvos-Parshas Behar

By |2021-06-23T14:23:40-04:00May 15, 2022|

R’ Yosef Ya’avetz was one of the seminal figures who lived through the Expulsion from Spain in 1492. Known as the “Chassid (the Pious) Ya’avetz” in testament to his stature, he made a poignant observation of the events of his time. As is known, the Expulsion was a most unfortunate period in the annals of Spanish Jewry, whose history was transformed from golden to tragic. Once the [...]


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