Mishnas Chayim Parshah Posts

Fascinating weekly parshah posts

Take Up Your Weapons-Parshas Nitzavim

By |2021-06-24T14:21:51-04:00September 18, 2022|

(The following analysis of the principal Rosh Hashanah services is based in large part on an exposition by R’ Yeruchem Olshin in Yerach L’mo’adim, Yamim Nora’im I, ma’amar47, § 1-4.) In certain respects, Rosh Hashanah may seem like a confusing time. Such might be the impression one gets from a cursory glance at the day’s practices. Combination Package Of course, as we know, Rosh Hashanah is a solemn [...]

Fulfillment of the Fury-Parshas Ki Savo

By |2021-06-24T14:18:01-04:00September 11, 2022|

The all-encompassing nature of the Torah is one of its well-known and wondrous attributes. Chazal seem to be referring to the notion that everything is contained in the Torah when they state in the Mishnah (Avos 5:22): הֲפָךְ בָּהּ וַהֲפָךְ בָּהּ דְּכֹלָּא בָהּ. “Turn it over and turn it over (i.e., examine it repeatedly and thoroughly) – for all is within it.” Hidden Tragedies Thus, the Sages [...]

Remaining Involved-Parshas Ki Seitzei

By |2021-06-24T14:15:44-04:00September 4, 2022|

Consider the following profiles. Reuvein and Shimon, to all appearances, were following the same basic path. They were both young men of high caliber, wholesome in their character and equally diligent and devoted to their Torah studies. When they grew up, however, their ways parted somewhat. Both remained fully committed in their observance and dedication, but Reuvein became a maggid shiur (Torah lecturer) in a yeshivah, while Shimon went [...]

Murder Mystery-Parshas Shoftim

By |2021-06-24T14:10:48-04:00August 28, 2022|

At one point in this week’s parshah, a statement is made that carries some intriguing implications. Professions of Innocence This occurs in the context of the section featuring the ritual of the eglah arufah, the “broken-necked calf.” The Torah outlines an interesting procedure to be followed in the event of a certain grisly discovery: כִּי־יִמָּצֵא חָלָל בָּאֲדָמָה... נֹפֵל בַּשָּׂדֶה לֹא נוֹדַע מִי הִכָּהוּ...  וְהָיָה הָעִיר הַקְּרֹבָה אֶל־הֶחָלָל וְלָקְחוּ זִקְנֵי הָעִיר הַהִוא עֶגְלַת [...]

The Continuous Learning Process of Life-Parshas Re’eh

By |2021-07-30T11:07:55-04:00August 22, 2022|

The Conflict Last week, we addressed the conundrum of competing imperatives, or, more accurately, the manner in which it is addressed by Chazal. There is, on the one hand, the directive to involve oneself constantly in Torah study; as the passuk states: לֹא־יָמוּשׁ סֵפֶר הַתּוֹרָה הַזֶּה מִפִּיךָ וְהָגִיתָ בּוֹ יוֹמָם וָלַיְלָה – “This book of Torah shall not depart from your mouth, and you shall meditate therein day and night” (Yehoshua [...]

The Way of the World-Parshas Eikev

By |2021-06-24T14:05:47-04:00August 14, 2022|

There is a well-known and fundamental Talmudic dispute regarding two competing endeavors. On the one hand, there is the imperative of constant Torah study, as contained in the passuk: לֹא־יָמוּשׁ סֵפֶר הַתּוֹרָה הַזֶּה מִפִּיךָ וְהָגִיתָ בּוֹ יוֹמָם וָלַיְלָה – “This book of Torah shall not depart from your mouth, and you shall meditate therein day and night” (Yehoshua 1:8). On the other hand, this week’s parshah features the passage that constitutes the [...]


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