Podcast – Relief from Grief

Do I Believe? with Rabbi Shmuel Kohn
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן יהודה

By |2024-03-28T13:45:16-04:00August 7, 2023|

Rabbi Shmuel Kohn, Therapist and Founder of Shloimy’s Club When people go through a tough nisayon, it isn’t uncommon to feel angry at Hashem. A person might shut down or feel numb, and they may even feel unable to daven. This can cause a lot of inner turmoil. Where is my emunah? Do I not believe in Hashem? From the time we are young we are taught that [...]

I Want to Be Cremated With Mrs. Robin Meyerson
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן יהודה

By |2024-03-28T13:45:25-04:00July 31, 2023|

Mrs. Robin Meyerson, West Coast Director of NASCK (National Association of Chevrah Kadisha) Mrs. Robin Meyerson has a passion, and she passionately shares it. That passion is to help prevent cremation. She exhorts her listeners: “As Jews, we are all one, so when one Jew is being cremated, it affects all of us. We must stop this from happening.” She repeats so many times that she is available [...]

Tangled Emotions with Mrs. Leah Subar
לעילוי נשמת ברוך בן משה

By |2024-03-28T13:45:33-04:00July 17, 2023|

Mrs. Leah Subar, AEDP Psychotherapist People are typically wired with a tendency toward hope and resilience. Even when a child grows up in an abusive home, the desire to repair the relationship with one’s parent is so strong. An adult child will often try and try to make it work before they realize it’s impossible to change someone else. With proper rabbinic guidance, the adult child might need [...]

When There are No Zaidies with Mrs. Erika Needleman
לעילוי נשמת פיגא ריזא בת ברוך שלום

By |2024-03-28T13:45:40-04:00July 3, 2023|

Mrs. Erika Needleman - Life Coach She knew she would be young when her father died. She knew because she saw how much younger all of her friend’s parents were as compared to her own. The young Erika grew up, married and had children. Her father, although elderly, was still alive and a loving grandparent. And then, one day, her father-in-law, who had been perfectly healthy, died. Just [...]

Forever Connected with Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
לעילוי נשמת פייגא בתיה בת פרץ

By |2024-03-28T13:45:52-04:00June 19, 2023|

Rabbi Seltzer is a well-known speaker and author of 45 books, including the Zera Shimshon series and his latest bestseller, 90 Seconds. When Dovid Hamelech lost his son Avshalom, he screamed “B’ni” nine times with heartrending screams. Yitzchak Avinu was only comforted many years after losing his mother Sarah, when he brought Rivkah to her tent, and the tent returned to the way it had been when [...]

Doula and Midwife-in-Training With Mrs. Aidy Hoffman

By |2024-03-28T13:48:59-04:00June 5, 2023|

Doula and Midwife-in-Training Many midwives will say they love their job. They help bring pure joy and precious innocence into the world. Mrs. Hoffman loves her job as a doula and soon-to-be midwife – but she was brave enough to take on a different role, the parts that can be so emotionally wrenching and difficult. She is the person many people call when they find out they will [...]

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