3 Boys / Israel

Siyum Musings

By |2021-02-25T12:39:19-05:00July 10, 2015|

My father called that day “Black Monday.” It was the day that the doctor said to my parents, “I am sorry, but there is nothing more we can do for your son. It is your choice if you would like to let him die in the hospital or at home.” It wasn’t a decision. There was nothing my brother wanted more than to be at home. And so [...]

Rosh Hashanah 5775

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00September 22, 2014|

Dear Friends, Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us; a new year, a new beginning. The Hebrew term for 'year' - 'shanah' is similar to the word for change 'shinui'. And interesting to note, the Hebrew term for 'month'- 'chodesh', is related to the word 'new'- 'chadash'. We now have the opportunity to change ourselves, renew ourselves, even recreate ourselves, if you will. Neuroscientists are reporting that due to [...]

The Funeral by Sara Rigler

By |2021-02-25T12:39:20-05:00July 21, 2014|

Envy me. Because I was at the funeral. When I heard the news that our three boys Naftali, Eyal, and Gilad were dead, my heart broke. The funeral glued it back together. The hespid for each boy was held in his hometown, followed by the burial of all three in the cemetery of Modiin, in the center of the country. We chose to go to the hespid of [...]

A Cry….by Yaffa Ganz

By |2021-02-25T12:39:20-05:00July 21, 2014|

This continues to be  a difficult summer.  A complicated one. With all the difficulties, life goes on. There are weddings and births, thank G-d.  There is a great deal of joy to be derived from our relationships with family and friends, and  immense pleasure to be had from the natural beauty of this universe. Yet, there is immense pain.  We, the  Jewish people, are one entity. When one [...]

A personal note from Miriam Liebermann

By |2021-06-02T12:18:19-04:00July 16, 2014|

Dear Friends, This is a difficult time for all, with the situation in Israel so precarious. We follow the news carefully, recite our Tehillim with great fervor, hoping and praying for the best. These last weeks have been an emotional whirlwind for all of us. I keep reading.  So desperate am I for words of encouragement and strength. And I keep praying. Last week was particularly stressful. My [...]

A Letter from Miriam Liebermann

By |2021-02-25T12:39:20-05:00July 9, 2014|

Dear Friends, It’s merely days since we heard the tragic news, the death of these 3 young, precious boys. Over the last several weeks, seeing their picture in the paper over and over again, we all felt connected. They were our sons, our brothers, our nephews and our neighbors, all rolled into one. They were young, full of spirit and life with a bright future ahead of them. [...]


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