In the Press

To Comfort And Be Comforted

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00August 1, 2016|

Yated The novi Yeshayah tells us in this week’s haftorah that we must feel comfort following all of the destruction we felt on Tishah B’av. Nachamu, nachamu, ami.  Rav Avrohom Kluger in his Sefer Nezer Yisroel tells the story of a rov who went to pay a shivah call to a family who just lost a child in a terrible auto accident. Besides the grieving parents, there were many older siblings sitting shivah at the home, and all week they had been [...]

Book Review: To Comfort And Be Comforted — A Guide To The Mitzvah Of Nichum Aveilim

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00May 4, 2016|

Five Towns Jewish Times By Rochelle Maruch Miller Several years ago, Rabbi Moshe Haikins, Founder and President of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah attended a Federation-sponsored conference in New York about issues related to bikur cholim, since  unfortunately,  bikur cholim can lead to nichum aveilim. At one of these events Rabbi Haikins received a folder containing an assortment of information, including a DVD by renowned lecturer Rabbi Paysach Krohn about [...]

New Release! To Comfort and Be Comforted: A Guide to Nichum Aveilim

By |2021-02-25T12:39:19-05:00April 4, 2016|

Yated Powerful Times Ten! Real comments overheard by those visiting shivah homes: “You still have other children.” “Don’t worry, you’re young. You’ll get remarried.” “At least he had a long life!” Have you ever walked into a shivah house (house of mourning) and been dismayed by what you are seeing or hearing? Perhaps other visitors are engaging in social chitchat or taking calls on their cell phones. Maybe they are offering platitudes, [...]

I Lost Someone Special Book Helps Children Address Grief

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00January 4, 2016|

Arizona Jewish News By: Leisah Woldoff | Managing Editor of Arizona Jewish News January 2016 A new book designed to help children cope with the loss of a loved one was inspired by the work of a Scottsdale mother. A few years ago, Robin Meyerson of Scottsdale helped edit a book entitled The Neshamah Should Have an Aliyah: What You Can Do in Memory of a Departed Loved One,” designed [...]

Aliyas Neshamah Program Implemented in Phoenix-Area Schools

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00December 4, 2015|

Hamodia This year, in conjunction with the parshiyos teaching about the passing of the Avos and Imahos, a special program was implemented in the Phoenix Hebrew Academy and the Yeshiva High School of Arizona to teach children about the concepts of neshamah, Olam Haba and the importance of doing mitzvos li’iluy neshamah. The program was based on The Aliyas Neshamah Curriculum written by Mrs. Robin Meyerson, a beloved member of the community, and produced by Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah. [...]

‘I Lost Someone Special’: A Conversation With Bracha Goetz

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00December 4, 2015|

Five Towns Jewish Times By Rochelle Maruch Miller Bracha Goetz is no ordinary author. The author of 29 books, she is dedicated to helping every child shine. Her latest book, I Lost Someone Special: Mitzvos We Can Do in Memory of a Loved One, puts the loss of a loved one in the proper perspective by explaining that we can still connect to one who has passed on [...]


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