In the Press

Sweet Moments Indeed!

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00December 4, 2009|

The Voice of Lakewood Hadassah got married around 8 years ago, and was hoping to start a family of her own. After all, that’s what the rest of her friends did. They got married and soon enough were expecting their first child. However, as her friends had one child after another, Hadassah had yet to have her first child. She davened. She gave Tzedakah. She did all sorts [...]

Siyum on Shishah Sidrei Mishnah for Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Jacob Joseph

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00July 4, 2009|

Yated Last Thursday, chof-daled Tamuz, marked the 107th yahrtzeit of New York City’s first Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Jacob Joseph, who was niftar in 1902 at the age of 59. In honor of the yahrtzeit, an anonymous donor sponsored the completion of the entire Shishah Sidrei Mishnah through Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah’s mishnah study program. The siyum, which was followed by a seudah, was held at Congregation Yekusiel Mordechai Mishkholtz (Coventry Shul) and was attended by a sizable crowd, including [...]

Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00September 4, 2008|

Viewpoint Magazine The loss of a loved one is a searing experience. Confronted with a gaping hole in their lives, bereaved family members often seek to establish a memorial for eternity. The question is, how? Rabbi H., a graduate of NCYI’s rabbinics and not-for-profit training programs, understood the frustration that so many mourners feel upon seeking the perfect merit for their loved ones. Putting the training that he [...]

Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah – The Society for Mishnah Study

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00September 4, 2008|

Mishpacha Magazine By Libi Astaire He had a birthday coming up – one of those big, milestone birthdays – and his wife asked him how he wanted to mark the occasion. Go to a fancy restaurant? Go away for Shabbos? Then a friend mentioned that his family could commission a Torah scholar to learn Mishnah on his behalf. Learn Mishnah? For his birthday? “Sure,” replied his friend. “It’s [...]

Daring to Hope… Once Again

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00July 4, 2008|

Binah It happened whenever Leah returned home from a class gathering or reunion. She would enter the house, stop for a brief moment at the front closet to hang her coat, and then make a beeline for her bedroom. She wanted to be alone; she had to be alone. It didn’t get easier with the passing years. On the contrary, it got harder and harder. Her imagination watched [...]

Institute offers Surrogate Mishnah Study

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00September 4, 2006|

The Jewish Press LAKEWOOD, New Jersey The Society for Mishnah Study commissions scholars to study the oral law for people who have recently lost a loved one. According to Jewish practice, studying the Mishnah can be a tremendous gift for the departed soul. The institute works with families when suddenly thrust into mourning and overwhelmed with emotional turmoil. Within the customs and traditions of the Jewish mourning period [...]


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