In the Press

Eternal Memory for Your Loved Ones

By |2024-06-06T08:53:36-04:00June 4, 2006|

American Jewish Spirit Jewish tradition has always taught the eternity of the soul. We have also always believed that there is much that we can do for the benefit of those souls no longer in this world (see the book Remember My Soul by Lori Palatnik). Among the deeply meaningful activities most widely appreciated is the study of the part of the Torah called Mishnah for the merit of the departed. Mishnah, which [...]

Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

By |2024-06-06T08:53:36-04:00January 4, 2006|

Yated Learning Mishnayos in memory of a loved one is universally acclaimed as a great zechus for that person’s neshama. Indeed, seforim write that the wordsmishnah and neshamah share the same letters, indicated the symmetry between the two. Yet a familiar pattern arises when a family tries to get people to take mishnayos. People shy away from the unfamiliar mesechtos in Zerayim, Kodoshim and Taharos. Other families don’t have enough members to split up the entire [...]


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