Yom-Tov Time

Baby Talk

By |2021-02-25T12:39:17-05:00December 4, 2018|

Time to talk about my baby. On a whim I decided to see what the definition of baby is. According to Mr. Webster the definition is (1) an extremely young child, especially an infant; (2) an extremely young animal; (3) the youngest of a group. Seriously! What does Mr. Webster know? My definition is much more accurate. I would say a baby is a shmushy little thing that [...]

If I Were Dr. Seuss

By |2021-02-25T12:39:18-05:00June 9, 2016|

If I was Dr. Seuss, my latest book might sound like this:  I miss my parents every day, I always miss them in every way. I miss them when I’m here, and I miss them when I’m there. I miss them when I’m feeling sad, I miss them when I’m feeling glad. Do you miss them also? Do you, can you feel my pain? I miss them when [...]

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