The Inside Story at Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah

A Thought from Miriam Leibermann

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00August 11, 2014|

Dear Friends, This evening is the yartzeit of a dear friend of mine. She passed away 7 yrs ago, died in a car accident. It was shocking and terribly sad for her family and close friends. I had known Susie since we were youngsters together in camp. We had been a jc counselors together when we were 18-19 yrs old. We had spent a most memorable summer together [...]

The Circle of Life

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00August 4, 2014|

Unparalleled Power: Inside Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah – August 2014 Unparalleled Power: Inside Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah is an internationally renowned organization founded to provide surrogate Torah study and prayer services as a source of merit for the departed, as well as for those facing life challenges. In the years since its inception, Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah has been privileged to be a part of many extraordinary experiences [...]

A Different Kind of Shidduch

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00August 4, 2014|

This is the story of a shidduch – of sorts – that was made through the offices of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah. The thing about this shidduch was that while I was the “shadchan,” the whole thing was kind of an accident! Back in the early days of Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah, I got a call from a Mrs. Katzler,* who was an avid reader of magazines and newspapers – [...]

“Unfinished Symphony” by Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn

By |2024-06-06T08:52:59-04:00April 5, 2014|

When the Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Aaron Rokeach came from Europe to Haifa, Israel, in 1944, he gathered a cluster of chassidim Friday night, to celebrate his first Shabbos in Israel. The Torah reading that Shabbos was Parashas Beshalach, known as Shabbos Shirah (the Shabbos of Song) because the Shirah that Moshe Rabbeinu composed is read during Krias Hatorah. The Rebbe asked, “The words Az Yashir Moshe literally mean, [...]


By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00January 2, 2014|

Dearest Friends, It is a privilege for me to join the Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah and I'm grateful to have this opportunity to share with you. This may be a privilege, but in all honesty, it's not a pleasure. Dwelling on this topic, discussing death and the accompanying grief and pain, is never a pleasurable experience. However, I've learnt that meaningful experiences are by far more valuable in the [...]

Bringing Merit to the Soul

By |2024-06-06T08:53:35-04:00August 4, 2013|

Inyan – Hamodia Weekly Magazine Rabbi M. H., a Lakewood yungerman, was about to start his morning seder in Bais Medrash Govoha when he was asked by an acquaintance to help him learn Mishnayas for the fast-approaching sheloshim of the man’s grandmother, a”h. Rabbi H. was unable to agree to the man’s request because of the time constraint, but the incident made him realize that this was probably not an isolated case. Surely there were many others who [...]

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