Mrs. Feige Steinmetz
Mother of Dovi Steinmetz, who perished in the Meron tragedy
Lag Ba’Omer taf shin peh aleph (2021) is seared into our collective Jewish memory. It was on that day that a stampede took place in Meron, resulting in death and injury for many people.
At first it seemed that Dovi was safe. Then his parents were unsure. And then it was confirmed: Dovi had been killed in Meron.
How does a mother handle such news? Mrs. Steinmetz was in shock. It made no sense. How could it be? The Steinmetzes rushed to get to Eretz Yisrael. But in Ben Gurion airport the security personnel gave them a hard time, still particular about Covid restrictions.
Come listen to this strong woman. Hear her pain and her chizzuk. Hear the realness in her words and about her decision to be okay despite not being okay.
Because after losing a child, a mother will never be the same.